Ingrid Verbauwhede: The Need for Hardware Roots of Trust
Electronics are shrinking and penetrating all aspects of our lives. IOT devices fill our homes, cars are driving autonomously, body area networks monitor our health. Adding security and cryptography to these often very resource constraint devices is a challenge.
We would like the solutions to be lightweight and at the same time resistant to remote as well as local physical manipulation attacks.Software and cryptographic security protocols rely on hardware roots of trust. Protocol designers assume that cryptographic keys, random initial values, nonces, freshness, hardware isolation, or secure storage is simply available to them.
This presentation will focus design methods for hardware roots of trust in general and more specifically on Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) and True Random Number Generators (TRNG), two essential roots of trust.
N. Asokan: Hardware-assisted Trusted Execution Environments — Look Back, Look Ahead
Over the last two decades, hardware-based isolated execution environments, commonly known as “trusted execution environments” or TEEs, have become widely deployed. However, concerns about vulnerabilities, and potential for abuse have been persistent and have recently become increasingly pronounced.
In this talk, I will discuss the history of (mobile) TEEs, what motivated their design and large-scale deployment, and how they have evolved during the last two decades. I will then discuss some of their shortcomings and potential approaches for overcoming them. I will also briefly touch on other types of hardware security primitives that are being rolled out by processor manufacturers and the opportunities they offer for securing computing.